Friday, May 22, 2020

Deliverance in Desperate Times

Your support touches the physical and spiritual needs of this Ava Guarani family as well as many others during this difficult season.

Dear Friends and Family:

Paraguay’s stay-at-home order in response to COVID-19 keeps the rate of infection down; however, since people can't go to work, they can't buy food, and many families find themselves in desperate situations. Pastor Alberto, Margarita and I dropped off food at the "Zeballos Cue" Ava Guaraní community and then meandered toward the exit through the sprawling squatters’ village that sits between the community and the main road. Suddenly, a line of angry women blocked our way and began to yell and pound on our car hood. We feared they would forcibly remove the remaining provisions that were destined for another Native community that was in dire need of food. While continuing to pray for an end to the pandemic, pray also for people to find peace in this turbulent season.

Our ministry received permission to distribute food during the quarantine. Last month I took advantage of that permission to go with a colleague and an Ava Christian to the new "Villeta" Ava and Mbya Guaraní community. They, too, were experiencing a food shortage, so we delivered provisions along with a gospel message in the Guaraní language, assuring them of God’s presence in this difficult time. At least four people prayed to trust in Jesus, and they invited us to return to share from the Bible. We thank God for their receptivity. Pray that he calls someone—perhaps the Ava brother who accompanied us—to visit them on a regular basis.

Margarita shared the story of Noemi and Ruth with these Ava mothers.
There are at least three families at the "Piraju" Ava-Mbya community who gather with us each Monday to hear from the Bible after a community lunch is served. As soon as the domestic travel restriction is lifted, a Mbya evangelist plans to visit this community and we believe God will make a great impact through him. Pray for the formation of a congregation in this community.  Also, give thanks to God for stirring up interest in biblical counsel in another Mbya community that is normally closed-off to ministry efforts.

Before I could stop her, Margarita quickly stepped into the middle of the group of angry, hungry mothers battling for the provisions in our car. She calmly listened to the desperation they felt and conversed with them in eloquent “jopara” (a commonly-spoken Spanish-Guaraní mix). In our next update, I will share about how your support along with Pastor Alberto’s church are sharing Jesus’ peace to the squatters’ village and the Ava community, but the scene reminded me of what another person of faith and a warrior once wrote: “I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side…From the Lord comes deliverance.”

Happy Memorial Day, and Happy late Mothers’ Day!

Ana, Gabrielli and Antoine with Margarita on Mothers' Day

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