Monday, December 21, 2020

Compelled by love

Dear Friends and Family:

Margarita and I attended a “secret meeting” last month during which four Mbya Guaraní men shared about their tribe’s spiritual beliefs. The Mbya are prohibited from revealing their religion to outsiders, but these Mbya Jesus-followers felt it was necessary for their “juru’a” (non-Native) co-workers to understand what the Mbya believe. The oldest of our Mbya teachers was previously a highly-ranked shaman who fervently opposed Christianity. When he began to hear the Scriptures, he became compelled by the Creator´s love to accept the invitation to be reconciled to Him. He and the other brothers dedicate their lives to sharing that message with their tribe. Pray for the Mbya ministry workers and their families.

Celebrating the birthday of our pastor, Pablo Mora, and his more than 40 years of church planting and mission work.

Thank you for praying for our colleagues who accompany us in reaching out to the Mbya Guaraní and Ava Guaraní communities around Asunción. Our team continues to grow as two young Ava men, “S.” and “D.,” have helped us on a few visits. Sany, our former New Horizon School student, committed to weekly tutoring students and mobilizing Paraguayan youth visits in Mbya and Ava communities in 2021.  She led a group of young adults to gather local donations for “Christmas boxes,” which we passed out to Mbya and Ava children last week. 

Ava and Mbya children in one community receive Christmas presents and hear the Christmas story for the first time.

e’re concluding our visits to the communities this year by telling the Christmas story and passing out bags of food for each family. In one community we left an audio Bible so that they can continue gathering to listen to the Scriptures until we visit them again in January.  Additionally, three Ava women graduated from another section of the adult literacy program. Give thanks to God for a successful year of work in the Mbya and Ava communities in the Asunción metro area.

Next week our family will start our brief summer vacation. Aside from working around our house, we’re planning two short trips into beautiful, rural areas. We’re also getting ready to celebrate Christmas and New Year “Paraguayan style,” which involves lots of food and fireworks. Pray for a restful and fun Christmas vacation.

“S.” reported that his family was safe after he made a provisional structure out of the tin roof that was blown off of his house (his house is now being repaired).

windstorm swept through the Piraju Ava-Mbya community last month, removing the roofs from nine houses. We brought food to the community the following morning and facilitated a time of prayer, in which many participated. No one asked, “Where was God when this happened?” Instead, they sang hymns for over an hour in Guaraní to the One “who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands.” As different types of "storms" sweep through many people's lives this season, pray that they will be reminded of the hope that comes from the Christmas story and will trust in Jesus, whom even the winds obey.

Merry Christmas!

Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine and Gabrielli

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