Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 2011: Bienvenida Ana!

Dear Family and Friends:

Margarita experienced no difficulties during the pregnancy with Ana.  The problems began to occur about eight hours into labor.  When the bigger contractions came, Ana’s heart-rate dropped to dangerously-low levels.  The third time this happened, the decision was made to do a c-section, and at 11:29 AM on Sunday, August 28th, Ana Jeruti Revett came into the world. 

At first, everything seemed fine. Margarita and I were able to hold her.  The nurses continued with the normal post-delivery procedures and moved us to a recovery suite.  Within twenty minutes, though, Ana began exhibiting breathing difficulties.  While Margarita stayed with my family in the recovery suite, I followed Ana to the observation room.  The nurses and doctors did not know what was happening.  Some said possibly pneumonia.  Others said perhaps her esophagus didn’t connect to her stomach.  Amidst the flurry of doctors and nurses around Ana, all I saw was my tiny newborn daughter thrashing around on the observation table, struggling to breathe.  I felt powerless to help her.

I thought of the story of Jairus, a father who lived in the town of Capernaum during the time of Jesus.  Jairus met Jesus on the shore of the Galilee Sea, threw himself at his feet, “and implored him earnestly, saying, ‘My little daughter is at the point of death.  Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.’ ” I could relate with this man’s desperation.  I, too, brought my request for my daughter’s healing to the Lord’s feet.

Within two hours of Ana’s birth, the doctors transferred her to another hospital with a specialized neonatal ICU.  By evening, she was stable, but on an air pressure machine and with many tubes going into her.  On Monday, the doctor diagnosed her with Newborn Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  She said Ana’s recovery might take weeks.  By Wednesday, the doctor was letting us hold Ana and talked about taking her off the air pressure machine.  On Friday, Ana was “tube-free” and breathing on her own.  The following morning, she was discharged from the hospital. 

The story of Jairus’ daughter and Ana’s story both testify of God’s power to heal.  Jairus’ daughter was touched by Jesus on the hand and healed instantly.  The Lord orchestrated Ana’s healing through her vigor in fighting the sickness, the expertise of the medical workers, and the prayers of many people.  Margarita and I thank God for His goodness in the providence of our daughter as well as for His presence during the trials of her first week of life.

We also thank you for your prayers and encouragement.  Please join with us in praising God for the life of Ana and for Margarita’s recovery.  Keep us in your prayers as we start out as new parents.  Also, please pray for us as we continue to raise financial support and prepare for our return to the mission field in Paraguay next June.

Yours truly,

Tim, Margarita and Ana