Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 2015: End Corruption in Paraguay

Dear Family and Friends:

When Horatio Cartes began his presidency two years ago, Paraguay held second place in corruption in South America.  Can you guess where Paraguay presently stands?  Again, second place on the continent and now twenty-fourth in the world.  Last week Cartes ordered the nation’s leaders, “Stop robbing the people!”  Sitting behind him on the stage at the moment were three of his co-partisans currently undergoing corruption indictments.

Paraguay is said to have a “culture of corruption.”  Fraud, bribery and contraband permeate every level of society, ranging from politicians who pocket millions of dollars from illegal business schemes and international aid, to transit police who almost always give motorists a chance to “work something out” to avoid paying a traffic fine, to poor day laborers who purchase pirated DVD’s which are available on any major street corner.  When Margarita recently turned in paperwork for her and Antoine’s national identification cards, she detected an ominous tone in the attendant’s voice indicating that she might be expected to pay a little money on the side for processing the documents.  Pray for us to be able to get all our documents soon.  More importantly, please bring Paraguay’s plague of corruption before God in your prayers.

A contributing factor to corruption is a heart-level focus on laying up treasures on earth.   The Fuente de Vida Church youth group began 2015 encouraging each other to flee such short-sighted passions and instead pursue things that are long-term and eternal.  Their decisions this year regarding work, education and relationships will shape their futures.  While we are very grateful that nearly all of them have decided to follow Jesus and heed his voice, their consistency in doing so will help draw their classmates, co-workers and friends toward making the same decision.  We ask that you pray for the Fuente de Vida youth to experience exponential spiritual growth this year.

Furthermore, please pray for the preparations for the 2015 school year.  Margarita and I—along with the rest of the New Horizon School faculty—are preparing to return to teaching.  The school bases its pedagogical approach on biblical principles like “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”  If New Horizon and other Christian schools succeed in their goal of educating a new generation of Paraguayan leaders to live out these principles, the “culture of corruption” could end. 

Through your prayers and support for the New Horizon School and for Margarita and me, you join us in building up hope to an end to corruption in Paraguay.   We thank the Lord for your partnership with us, and pray that throughout 2015 you and your loved ones will hear his voice, follow him and know that you, as well as your hopes and concerns, are known by him.  


Ana, Tim, Margarita, and Antoine Revett