Dear Friends and Family:
Margarita—a country girl from the small Paraguayan town of Piraju (Guarani for “Goldfish”)—never imagined herself visiting the United States. She spent the last year and a half getting to know people, visiting places and experiencing life in the U.S. Now, Margarita says she misses the U.S., especially the friends and family there.
We write this letter with thankfulness in our hearts to God for our time in the U.S. Although we are geographically absent from you we are with you in spirit and in memories of the good moments we shared with you during the past 14 months. We had a truly wonderful time in the U.S. building up old friendships and making new ones, showing off Ana, and traveling to new places. We stayed active. Both of us completed studies as well as participated in ministries that prepared us for our work in Paraguay.
As you know, we also spent much time raising funds for our mission work. The Lord graciously responded to all of you who supported us through your prayers for our finances. We return to Paraguay well supplied, having received your gifts. We thank God in our remembrance of you, whose hospitality sustained us in the U.S. and whose generosity enabled us to meet our financial goal for the mission field.
We request your prayers for our transition back to work in Paraguay. As we begin our ministry activities—Margarita helping students with learning disabilities and I teaching and coordinating outreach—we ask for the discernment and drive to work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Also, pray for us, that God may open to us many doors for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ—that we may make it clear. Please remember Ana as well while she adjusts to a new environment.
Furthermore, keep the nation of Paraguay in your prayers. You might already know about the recent impeachment of President Fernando Lugo. His election in 2008 was the first peaceful change of power between political parties in Paraguay’s history. Since the vice-president, Federico Franco, assumed control last month, there has not been any violence. Please pray that this time of political transition would remain peaceful.
Margarita and I would very much like for you to keep us updated on your life through e-mail and Skype. We say farewell with a couple lines from the book of Colossians, which we’ve found to be encouraging in flustered times (like an international move): “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth…and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” (3: 2, 15)
Yours truly,
Margarita, Ana and Tim Revett