Monday, November 5, 2012

Do you have globally- or ministry-minded loved ones who will be difficult to find a Christmas present for this year?
Please let Margarita and Tim suggest some alternative presents that you could give to your loved ones..
  1. Plates, cups and plasticware for a lunchtime drop-in ministry for children and teens of a poor neighborhood north of Asuncion, Paraguay.
  2. Materials to support students from low-income families with learning disabilities.
  3. English textbooks for future leaders of Paraguay.
  4. Discipleship materials for the inmates of one of South America's most notorious prisons.
  5. Breakfasts and snacks that accompany devotionals for teenage boys.
(See photos and descriptions below) 
A donation can be made in any amount.
The funds go to the project of your choice (not to Tim and Margarita's living expenses).

A card with a photo of the people to whom the ministry serves will be sent to the person in whose name the donation is made.

Here’s how you do it...
1. Make a donation to Latin America Mission in the name of your loved one.
A. Online:
Select “Support this missionary.”
On the form where it says “Use my gift for” select “Work Funds”    
B. By Mail:
On the envelope write: Latin America Mission
P.O. Box 52-7900
Miami, FL 33152-9913
*On a separate piece of paper, write "For WORK FUNDS," the project to which you give, and the name and address of the loved one in whose name the gift is given.

2. E-mail us ( to identify which project you made a donation to with the address in whose name you make the gift. *If you do this before November 24th, we will be able to send the card and photo to your loved one by Christmas.
Please e-mail us if you have any questions and share the information with your friends, church, small group, Sunday school class, or whoever you think would be interested.

Drop-In Bible Lesson and Lunch Ministry
Every Saturday morning up to 100 kids and teens fill this house for a Bible study and free lunch. Neighborhood women organize the event and use their own plates, cups and silverware. We would like to purchase for them new plastic plates, cups, and silverware for their ministry.
Cost: $1.75 per child (up to 100 children attend)


Special Education
In Paraguay students from low-income families who have learning disabilities often drop out of school due to few resources available to them.  Diagnostic tools are scarce and expensive.  About 10% of New Horizon’s low income students struggle with learning disabilities.  Margarita ministers to this group and hopes to acquire sufficient materials for 2013.
Goal:  $350 (covers diagnostic test and all photocopies for 2013)

Prison Ministry
Once a week, Tim facilitates a gospel-centered discipleship program with 20-40 of the inmate leaders of the Remar drug rehab pavilion inside the Tacumbu Men’s Penitentiary.  These men in-turn teach the materials to other inmates.  Also, the men are rewarded with a certificate upon completion, which, after they leave prison, can help them enter a ministry position.   

Goal:  $100 (covers all photocopies for 2013).
English as a Foreign Language Education
The New Horizon School’s mission is to educate a new generation of Paraguayan leaders.  The school’s English program gives students a skill that will open doors for post-secondary education and employment opportunities.  Being that most students come from low income families, the school traditionally provides one English book free of charge, but the student body grows every year and printing costs increase.  (Tim compiled most of the New Horizon School English books.) 
Cost:  $2 per book (about 600 students need books)

Devotionals with Teenagers
Every Tuesday morning and afternoon two groups of 5 to 15 teenage students from the New Horizon School come to our apartment for devotionals.  We provide the snacks.
Goal:  $180  (covers food for all of 2013).