Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dear Friends and Family:

I recently entered Paraguay’s Tacumbu Penitentiary with Ysidro, a former inmate who I mentioned in our October update.   A group of Ysidro’s past partners-in-crime walked alongside us, catching him up on the latest news.   Suddenly, someone ran by me, followed by Ysidro sprinting after him.  Behind them trailed a prison guard, yelling and waving his night stick.  They weaved through the crowd of inmates and turned a corner.  I was very pleased to soon after see Ysidro return unharmed.  He recovered his necklace, which had been snatched off his neck by the inmate whom he chased.

Ysidro’s return to Tacumbu as a visitor and not re-offender stands as a testimony to God’s work in the penitentiary’s Remar rehabilitation pavilion, where I conduct a weekly discipleship.  A local newspaper reported that while recidivism reaches as high as 70% among the prison’s general population, only 10% of those who pass through Remar return to prison (Ultima Hora 11/18/13).  When Ysidro was released, I began a Bible study with him and three other Remar graduates in his neighborhood to help support them during their transition.  Their entire neighborhood now is wondering how these men have changed so dramatically, which presents us with a great opportunity to share about the Lord’s ability to transform lives.  Please pray that Ysidro and the other men would continuously seek God’s counsel in their lives.

Another recent event that testifies of God’s power was the New Horizon School’s first senior class graduation.  The majority of the graduates, if not all, plan to enroll in colleges next year.  This is outstanding considering that most Paraguayans don’t complete high school.   Margarita’s young students also made achievements toward overcoming their learning disabilities.  Although she believes they will probably need to continue treatment the following school year, Margarita has seen many improvements and they all finished with passing grades—quite a contrast from the beginning of this year.  Margarita is planning to spend some of her time next year working with parents on early childhood stimulation to help them prepare their children for pre-school.  Give thanks with us to our mighty God for his work among the New Horizon School students this year.

In addition, we are thankful for God’s everlasting presence in times of victory as well as the setbacks.  The Puerto Falcon outreach event in early November was suspended due to rain; however, we are satisfied that the small church, as well as the two nearby assisting churches, were prepared and motivated to carry out their own small events this month.  Likewise, our first year as youth ministers concluded with the graduation of 14 active teenage participants who will move on to the college-aged ministry.  Please keep the Fuente de Vida Church youth in your prayers.

Finally, we request prayer for safe travels as we drive to Montevideo, Uruguay next month.  Our activities there will include participating in a friend’s wedding, vacationing, and visiting different ministries to possibly organize a future short-term mission trip there with Paraguayan youth.  We also will purchase learning disability materials, as they are difficult to find in Paraguay.  These purchases are made possible by the generous Christmas donations of many of you.  Thank you!

Christmas gift-giving reflects the awesome gift given to all of us: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).  When we choose to accept this gift, who is Jesus, we also receive many other great blessings such as God’s counsel, power, presence and peace.  May you and your loved ones experience these blessings this Christmas Season and throughout 2014.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Tim, Margarita and Ana Revett