Dear Friends and Family:
Seminary Graduation in Pedro Juan |
While I was helping with the classes in Pedro Juan Caballero, a former student of mine was teaching my English classes in Lambaré. It has been great to see her and other former students use their English for professional advancement. Pray for my past and current students, to whom doors are opening due to the education they’ve received.
Likewise, Margarita and I appreciate your prayers over our household. The day before I left for Pedro Juan Caballero, Gabrielli turned 6-months-old. We thank God for her life, as well as for Antoine and Ana, who are growing rapidly. We are also grateful for your generous donations to help finish building our family’s new living space. Please pray for a timely completion of the construction and for the builders’ well-being.
The House is Coming Along! |
Through your support and prayers for our work in Paraguay, you assist in training leaders to change the landscape of ravaged communities like Pedro Juan Caballero. You provide education that translates into upward social mobility for poor families. Furthermore, you help introduce many youth, who do not know the way they should go, to Jesus, who says that he is the way and the truth and the life. We thank God for your partnership.
Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine and Gabrielli
Gabrielli's Debut in the Backpack |