Dear Friends and Family:
Mbya Guaraní religion classifies marriage outside the tribe as the only unforgiveable sin. When “O.,” a young Mbya man, excitedly
told Margarita and me that he wanted to date a young Ava Guaraní woman, we
responded, “That’s great! But, doesn’t that put your afterlife in jeopardy?” This dilemma sparked his interest in learning more about the Creator, and he began studying the Scriptures with us. One day, when he asked to borrow the chief’s motorcycle to attend our Gospel of
Mark discussion group, the chief denied his request and said, “The Bible is not for us Mbya.”
While “E.,” another young man in O.’s community, also
experiences pushback from his tribe for seeking Jesus, he pushes forward and
often helps us with outreach at the Piraju, Zeballos Cue and Villeta
communities. Recently, Margarita and I could
not make our weekly visit to Villeta, so our former New Horizon School student led a
group of young adults there. For the first time in our absence they carried
out activities with children as well as adults, and finished by serving lunch. We
give thanks for the members of our ministry team, which includes you, being that your support makes this work possible.
Our former student with her students.
One of the chiefs at the Villeta community told
us that they enjoy our Gospel of Mark discussions and want to start having church
services. This is one of four communities where we facilitate Bible
studies, discipleships and pre-baptism groups, engaging 30 adults on average each week.
Most of them decided to follow Jesus this year. Some of them join us on visits
to other communities. Others attend
services at nearby partner churches. We give thanks for God
touching lives in the Mbya and Ava communities around Asunción.
Ava and Mbya children enjoy the fruits of mango season during a Bible story
Furthermore, we give thanks that everyone in our
household is healthy. Antoine recently turned 6 and Gabrielli is
already planning her fourth birthday (even though it’s months away). Summer
vacation has started and we're looking forward to spending lots of time swimming.
O. recently traveled to take care of his grandmother,
who was bedridden and unable to talk due to an advanced illness. He called us to ask for a prayer. We sent
him a voice message in Guaraní that consisted in an invitation to trust in Jesus. As O.
held the phone next to his grandmother´s ear and played the message, she closed
her eyes and nodded her head in agreement after each line of the prayer. Sadly, she passed away a little while
later. God
promises the gift of eternal life to anyone who calls upon Jesus, and for this
we give Him thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine
and Gabrielli
At the creek