Imagine the eleven disciples’ predicament between the crucifixion and the resurrection. Three years earlier they left behind homes, families and careers to follow Jesus. Suddenly, He was gone. Even though Jesus told them what was going to happen, the Apostle John writes, “For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He must rise from the dead” (20:9). Perhaps unsure whether or not, or even how, to continue the ministry the Lord had called them to, “…the disciples went back to their homes,” and some returned to fishing (20:10, 21:3). Similarly, a Christian may encounter moments of nebulousness while pursuing his or her calling. If such moments are coupled with financial difficulties, the temptation arises to delay that pursuit.
After three months of fundraising Margarita and I fall two-thirds short of the funds we need to return to Paraguay. Regardless, we’re more eager than ever to return. Margarita and I greatly enjoy our time connecting with friends and family in the U.S. We’re also very excited to become parents. We’re doing well; yet, we request prayer (as well as advice) for our season of fundraising.
As history shows, the eleven disciples didn’t stay very long in a place of uncertainty. What, then, happened to convince them to continue a movement that today has over one billion followers? Jesus rose from the grave and commissioned them to go into all the world, making disciples of all nations. Christ’s resurrection is the key event in the Christian Faith and is the base of the message that Margarita and I, as well as our co-laborers, proclaim through our work in Paraguay. Furthermore, we know when we seek first to proclaim this message all other things will be added.
Margarita and I stay active in the U.S. We presented about our mission work various times each week in February and March, and were in different churches almost every Sunday. We translated for a mission trip to Mexico with First Baptist of Amarillo. Additionally, we led weekly youth group meetings at the Fuente Viva Church. In Portland we’ve started sharing about our mission work with groups and congregations. We will also be involved in outreach to Spanish-speakers in the northeastern section of the city. Please keep the Fuente Viva youth in your prayers, and ask that the Lord guide us in our ministry plans in Portland.
At the same time, Margarita and I experienced plenty of recreation and relaxation. We traveled by car from Amarillo to Portland. “On the way” we passed through Southern California, where the West Covina United Methodist Church blessed us with a wedding reception. Our travels brought us to such places as the Grand Canyon, Hollywood, San Francisco and the Redwoods. We thank God for safety as well as for the generosity shown to us by many friends and family during our travels.
Likewise, we praise God for the generosity of many supporters over the past three years and by various churches, Sunday school classes and individuals over the last three months. However, as already mentioned, Margarita and I lack the funds to be able to return to Paraguay. If you aren’t one of our monthly supporters and are able to contribute, please consider committing to give $25, $50, $100, or whatever amount per month now through the end of 2014. In addition, the New Horizon School is looking for sponsors to donate $35 a month for new students. Below is the information on how to give to these two ministries.
The Lord’s faithfulness never ends. He constantly provides for our transportation, food and lodging. Margarita and our child are healthy and receive excellent prenatal care. We continue to set our sights on Paraguay for next February and trust that He who began a good work…will bring it to completion.
Yours truly,
Tim and Margarita Revett
Latin America Mission
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