Dear Friends and Family:
Earlier this month Margarita and I visited a man named Oscar and his family at their small apartment in Hillsboro, Oregon. Oscar’s doctors recently told him that his brain cancer was aggressive and un-curable, and that he could pass away any day. Would it have been appropriate for Margarita and I to respond to his news with a simple, “We’ll be praying for you,” or even, “Merry Christmas”?
Just as the Jews were suffering under Roman oppression when Jesus was born, many of our neighbors are enduring difficulties as December 25th approaches. Some people, like Oscar, fight serious illnesses. Many battle depression and loneliness. Others are experiencing their greatest financial challenges ever. Perhaps those who are struggling this season want a sign that God is really present and cares. The sign of God’s presence and care is actually the centerpiece of this season:
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
Last August, while our newborn daughter was struggling to breathe, Margarita and I didn’t know what was going to happen to her. In those difficult moments, we found peace in the significance of the hospital’s name—Emanuel (or Immanuel), which means “God with us.” The Lord never promised us that Ana’s birth would be without problems, but He did promise us, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). Four months later, we are celebrating our first Christmas with our healthy little daughter.
Christmas is not only a time to be with family, but it is the celebration of when God came to be physically present with the harassed and helpless masses of this world. The Lord is with Oscar and his family in their trials. Margarita and I communicated this as best as we could and then shared with them Jesus’ invitation: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Oscar, as well as his whole family, put their trust in Jesus that day.
Please pray for Oscar and his family, as well as for anyone you know who may be struggling this Christmas season. Also remember to write, call or visit them. After all, Jesus is still physically active in the world through His followers.
Margarita, Ana and I are currently enjoying a brief vacation in Texas from teaching, studying and fundraising. We praise God for all of you who have been supporting us this year. Thank you! Although we have not had any new support pledges in almost a month and still need 26 people or groups to give $50 a month, we made a number of good contacts before traveling, which we will follow up on in January. If you are interested in financially helping us return to our ministry in Paraguay this June, please contact us, or Latin America Mission (see below).
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Tim, Margarita and Ana Revett
Latin America Mission:
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