Sunday, September 1, 2013

August 2013: A Birthday Party, Paraguayan Style

Dear Friends and Family:

Margarita and I wrote to you in June about child labor in Paraguay.  Despite the presence of this destructive issue, Paraguayan culture harbors an overall, genuine appreciation for children, which is seen through customs like celebrating Day of the Child and overly-embellished birthday parties. 

Last week we celebrated Ana’s 2nd birthday “Paraguayan style.”  Ana greeted her young guests with the customary double-cheek kiss as they arrived and deposited their presents in a tire decorated to be a gift receptacle.  There was music, soda, candy, cake and a party favor for every child.  Margarita hosted a talent show with prizes for the tiny party-goers who were brave enough to present songs, jokes and memorized Bible verses.  Before the finger foods were served, we took a moment to remember God’s presence with Ana all through her battle with Respiratory Distress Syndrome at birth as well as during her asthma episodes this year.  Ana’s birthday party was a thanksgiving and praise service to the Lord for her two years of life.

July featured two events with the Evangelism and Missions Ministry.  Over a hundred children came three afternoons in a row to the outreach in the Siloé neighborhood. The local Sunday school teachers did a great job teaching them about Christ’s love.  There were two nights of services despite rain and technical difficulties, and about five adults made decisions to return to or start following Christ.  Later in the month we held a missions conference with churches in the Chaco region.  The place was packed. The audience heard inspirational presentations on how to organize evangelistic events and how to carry out discipleship.  Nearly all of those attending committed to being volunteers for an outreach event in October in the nearby city of Puerto Falcón.  Thank you for your prayers over these events, and please pray as we plan the Puerto Falcón event.  Also, please keep the students of the New Horizon and Cerro Corá schools in your prayers as we continue ministering to them through education.
Thank you for your prayers around the political situation in Paraguay.  Horacio Cartes is the new president and the change between parties occurred peacefully.  We request prayer for the renewal of Margarita’s immigration status in the U.S.  We hope to travel to the United States December through February.  After her status is renewed, the next step will be finding affordable airline flights.  If you are interested and able to make a financial gift to help with our future travel expenses, please contact us and we will inform you as soon as we know the outcome of Margarita’s renewal process.
Upon celebrating Ana’s birthday we remembered the name of the hospital whose intensive neo-natal unit Ana was transferred to:  Immanuel, which means “God with us.”  In Ana’s trials, as with any of us when we face moments of uncertainty, the Lord is certainly present.  Jesus is not “out of touch with our reality,” but rather, as The Message states…
“He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help” (Hebrews 4:15, 16).
Yours truly,                      
Tim, Margarita and Ana

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