Saturday, November 2, 2013

Christmas gift alternatives for globally- or ministry-minded loved ones...
  • Didactic games, diagonistic tests and other educational materials for Paraguayan children from poverty-stricken and dysfunctional homes who struggle with learning disabilities.
  • Printing, photocopying and binding of discipleship materials for inmates inside one of South America’s most notorious prisons.
  • Jerseys, balls, goals and equipment for an emerging middle school and high school boys’ and girls’ basketball program.
  • Christmas 2014 in the U.S. for a missionary family.
A donation can be made in any amount. The funds go to the project of your choice (not to Tim and Margarita’s living expenses). A card with a photo of the project will be sent to the person in whose name the donation is made.
Here’s the gift process…
1. Make a donation to Latin America Mission in the name of your loved one.
        A.  Online: -Go to
                              -Select “Support this missionary.”
                              -Where it says “Use my gift for” select “Ministry Funds”
        B.  By Mail:  E-mail us and we will send you the form and directions.
2. E-mail us ( to identify which project you donate to with the address of the person in whose name you give.    *If you do this by November 24th, we will be able to send the card and photo to your loved one by Christmas.

Please review the following information and share it with your friends, church, small group, Sunday school class, or whoever you think would be interested.

Special Education
Paraguayan students who have learning disabilities often drop out of school due to few resources available to them.  Additionally, kindergartners start at a disadvantage since most Paraguayan families haven’t learned about early educational stimulation.  Margarita provides both of these services to students of low-income families for a very small, nominal fee.  However, diagnostic tools and didactic games are scarce and expensive. 
Goal:  $300 (1 year of support for all of Margarita’s students)

New Horizon School Basketball Program
The New Horizon School’s mission is to provide an integral education for a new generation of Paraguayan leaders.  Most of the school’s students come from low income families.  There has been a recent surge in excitement among students to form boys’ and girls’ basketball teams; yet, there are few funds and materials to support this new program. 
*Material donations are also accepted.
Cost:  $25 per player (covers a ball, jersey and extra expenses)
Christmas 2014 in the U.S.
Ana, Margarita and Tim hope to spend Christmas 2014 in the U.S. They are saving up monthly for this trip; though, visa fees and airline fares are very expensive.
Cost: $1 for every 2 miles of travel (4,500 miles in total)


Prison Ministry
The Tacumbu Penitentiary was built for a capacity of 800 men, but now houses over 3,600.  Christmas donations in 2012 enabled Tim to provide photocopies of discipleship materials for 100’s of inmates.  Graduates are rewarded with certificates and become teachers of the discipleship.   After they leave the prison, their certificate can help them enter a ministry position.

Cost:  $15 per month

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