Monday, December 1, 2014

November 2014: Thankful for New Life

Dear Friends and Family:

Three years ago Margarita and I became parents for the first time.  As you probably remember, it was a rocky start to parenthood because our daughter, Ana, was born with respiratory distress syndrome.  With that experience in mind, Margarita and I honestly had the jitters as we prepared for the birth of our second child earlier this month.  We instead tried to remember the wonders God has done in Ana’s life.  Meanwhile, many of you sent us encouraging messages and assured us of your prayer support, for which we are grateful.

Our and your prayers were indeed answered.  On November 7th, at 7:30 A.M., Antoine Samuel arrived without any complications.  The doctors and medical staff were excellent.  Margarita was even more amazing.  Please join us in praising God for his wonderful acts.       

November has been a month of adjustment for the family.  Margarita is recovering.  I’m getting used to holding a newborn again.  Ana kisses her little brother at every opportunity. Antoine spends his day sleeping and eating.  Margarita and I are both sleeping little at night and are finding out that two children are significantly more work than one.  We are grateful for Margarita’s family who has been helping out quite a bit.

Likewise, Margarita and I thank all of you who began or resumed giving toward our mission work in recent months.  We will be able to continue serving in Paraguay with plans to visit the U.S. at the end of 2015.  Most of our material needs are met for the time being; though, please pray with us for direction and the resources necessary to complete the construction of our house this year.

November is the last month of school in Paraguay before summer vacation. Since my classes wound down, I was able to give presentations about school violence and other topics in nearby public schools.  I concluded each presentation by encouraging the students to look to the Lord and his strength, no matter what difficulties they’re facing.  The other day one presentation finished with almost an entire room of high school students praying with me to return to or to begin walking with Christ.  At the New Horizon School, the teachers and I spent most of this month on testing, grading and saying good-bye to the students.  Please pray for the students’ safety during their vacation.  Also, please pray for the New Horizon School administrators this month as important decisions will be made for next year.     

Although Thanksgiving has passed, as you can see, there is still much to be thankful for.  Certainly any day is a good day to give thanks to the Lord and call on His name (Psalm 105).

Yours truly,

Margarita, Tim, Ana and Antoine    

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