Friday, September 1, 2017

How to Conquer an Inflatable Mountain

Dear Family and Friends:

In remembrance of the hundreds of young boys that died in the 1869 Battle of Acosta Ñu, churches and organizations throughout Paraguay host fun events for children every year in mid-August.  Ana met up with her friend, Josefina, at one such event, where there was a very large blow-up slide.  Since Ana had shied away from slides much smaller than this one before, I repeatedly asked her and Josefina “Are you sure?” as they waited in the long line of older children to go on the slide.  When it was their turn, they took each other’s hand, climbed up the inflatable mountain, and, after reaching the top, threw themselves down the slide without hesitation.  Both Josefina’s dad and I agreed that neither of them would have done that alone.  Their brave feat was a testimony to the power of friendship and mutual encouragement.  
Josefina (left) and Ana (right) going down the gigantic inflatable slide.
Encouragement was a by-product of the mission trip we recently organized in the small town of Yrybucua with 20 volunteers from Asunción-area churches.  Coordinating a short-term mission team is sometimes like “herding cats,” but this team stayed together and stuck to their ministerial tasks for two long days.  They formed mixed groups with local church members to visit un-churched families who had participated in July’s medical clinic.  A few hearts were opened to Jesus during these visits, and many came to the evening open-air evangelistic service, at which a dozen or so people made decisions for Christ.  Give thanks to God for salvation.  Also, give thanks for the mission team and the encouragement they gave to the local church.
The mission team demonstrated their theatrical talents in Yrybucua.
Moreover, encouragement comes in the form of prayer.  Mild but bothersome sicknesses struck our whole household prior to last month’s mission trip, not only complicating the trip's preparation, but also our educational work.  We thank God for restored health and request your regular, intercessory covering over us.

On a different note, the city of Pedro Juan Caballero recently made national news when a major contraband bust was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the region’s senator, who implicated himself in the illegal shipment by attempting to obstruct the investigators’ procedures.  Later this month, I’ll return to that highly dramatic city with Dr. Gil and Mary Lain, Pr. Ted and Sue Gross, and Pr. Fredy Pavez for the final New Orleans Seminary classes for pastors and church leaders there.  Pray for a successful conclusion to the two-year seminary program, as well as for God to transform Pedro Juan Caballero through the soon-to-be graduating class of trained ministers and their churches.

Ana and Josefina conquered their “inflatable mountain” together.  Likewise, much more serious, everyday challenges like injustice, sickness, and laborious tasks are best handled in company. When the Lord is our shepherd, we shall fear no evil, for he is with us.  And if he is with us, who or what can be against us?

Yours truly,

Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine and Gabrielli

In August we also gave thanks for Ana's 6th birthday.

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