Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What do you give a shaman for Christmas?

Dear Friends and Family:
When the Mbya GuaranĂ­ shaman heard the words of Genesis 1 in his native tongue, his eyes widened and he immediately took the audio Bible. This was Margarita’s and my gift to him, along with a bag of multivitamins. As we bid him farewell, he was clearly enamored by his new gift, which he continued to listen to as he walked into his house. You prayed for him to overcome an illness a few months ago.  Give thanks to God for his recovery, and pray that the audio Bible will achieve its purpose in the life of the shaman.
At the Oregon Coast
Two weeks ago, we arrived in the United States.  Our trip started on Long Island, New York where my cousins and I raked their yard so that Ana and Antoine could have their first experience of jumping into a pile of leaves. Our teenage niece, Jazmin, who also came with us, was too mature to jump into the leaves, but she did get to visit places in New York that she had only seen in movies. Additionally, we had a great time at Crossroads Church, where we met a Paraguayan family who invited us to their house for a delicious dinner of “vori vori.” 
From New York, we traveled to the Pacific Northwest.  We’ve since visited many friends and have shown Jazmin some of the region’s famous sights.  Gabrielli and Jazmin played in snow for the first time at Mt. Hood.  They saw exotic animals at the Portland Zoo and slept to the sound of crashing waves at the Oregon Coast.  Thank you for your continued prayers over our U.S. visit. We've enjoyed our times with loved-ones, and everyone has been healthy.  I also successfully finished my first seminary course. A foundation pledged a very generous donation to cover all our ministry materials for 2019.  Now, we need to find four new monthly supporters.   
Later this month we’ll be in Northern New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle, which is where we’ll stay until mid-January. We will visit churches, youth groups and Sunday school classes.  We will also catch up with family and friends. From there we fly to Boston, and then will board a plane from New York to Paraguay.  If you’ll be near any of these areas and have a moment to meet, please let us know.
Ava Guarani Graduates
Margarita and I give thanks for a successful year of work with urban Native communities.  There was an increase in discussions about Scriptures and opportunities to share Bible stories.  We witnessed students’ academic progress. For instance, 13 Ava GuaranĂ­ women and one young Ava man earned Spanish literacy certificates.  We foresee opportunities to start Bible studies and discipleships with women and youth in 2019.  Our new friendships with the Mbya and Ava are a gift to us, and, in return, we hope to share the gift of the story of a child born and given the name Jesus, which means "savior," because he rescues any person who calls on him.

Merry Christmas!

Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine, Gabrielli, and Jazmin

We are very grateful to everyone who helped us build our house!  The guestroom will be ready in early 2019.

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