Monday, December 16, 2019

She started a party in the heavens

Dear Family and Friends:

An 11-year-old Mbya Guaraní girl started a party in the heavens two weeks ago. She approached her parents to tell them that she wanted to trust in Jesus and sing for him. In many Mbya communities such a decision is not taken well, but, thankfully, they supported her choice. Her father heard her beautifully sing a children’s hymn at our class’s end-of-the-year celebration, and it made sense to him that she’d trust in the One to whom she was singing. Give thanks to God for “M.,” and pray for others in her community to make the same decision.

There is much celebration due for what has happened in 2019 with our educational outreach among the Ava and Mbya communities around the Asunción metropolitan area.  By God’s grace, and through your prayers and support, the following are some of the noteworthy outcomes:
The 2019 Ava Guarani Literacy Class Graduates
  • 4 communities reached weekly with visits to 4 additional communities 
  • Consolidation of an Ava Guaraní house congregation
  • Weekly Bible studies and monthly services at a combined Ava-Mbya community
  • Gospel presentations to more than 300 people, of whom about 120 prayed to trust in Jesus
  • 100 children and youth reached each week through tutoring, youth ministry and Bible stories, with lunch provided to almost half of them and 100% of them successfully passing to the next grade level
  • 12 adults reached with Spanish literacy classes and Bible stories, with 5 graduating and 1 beginning to regularly attend house church services
  • Discipleships with 2 young Mbya women and three young Ava men, among whom 2 are starting to reach out to their community in addition to other Native communities
  • Through our mediation, 1 local church started reaching out to a Mbya community and 1 church started visiting an Ava community.
  • Mobilization of more than 50 Paraguayan volunteers and 4 different local ministries representing at least 6 different denominations in engaging Native communities 
  • 5 members of our youth group baptized.
Soaking Wet after Baptism
While these are worthy reasons for giving thanks, this season reminds us of a much greater reason for gratitude, which caused another party to break out in the heavens--a little over two thousand years ago. It is recorded that a group of shepherds witnessed this spectacular celebration and were driven by wonder to go and see what has happening. Soon after, not only they but nearly the whole town was giving thanks to God for the birth of the promised Savior, Jesus, who came “to give light to those who sit in darkness and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” We pray that heart-felt celebration of the Savior will also break out in your town, as well as in communities throughout Paraguay and to the ends of the earth.

Merry Christmas!

Tim, Margarita, Ana, Antoine and Gabrielli
Ana, Gabrielli and Antoine are ready for Christmas

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