June 2009
Dear Family and Friends,
It’s not always easy being a missionary. Every now and then I’ll pass a melancholic morning longing for family, friends and familiar surroundings. Occasionally I struggle to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of Paraguayan culture. Sometimes ministry projects don’t proceed as hoped. For instance, I invested much of last year working with the youth at the Puerta Abierta church. The ministry seemed to be going well, but now numbers are low, divisions have emerged, and there is little interest in outreach. In addition, disconcerting behavior issues surfaced last month among the 7th and 8th grade boys at the Nuevo Horizonte School . These factors compounded by others make my work seem overwhelming at times.
Despite the periodic setbacks, “I thank my God…” for the opportunity to be in Paraguay (Philippians 1:3). I recognize I shouldn’t worry about what is beyond my capabilities, “for it is God who is at work…” (2:13). He grants peace “which surpasses all comprehension” (4:7). “I am amply supplied” and extremely blessed with all that I need to “…press on toward the goal…” (4:18, 3:14). Indeed, I sporadically face tough moments, but “I rejoice and share my joy with you all” because, for the present and in the near future, there is nowhere else I’d rather be or nothing else I’d rather do than to serve in Paraguay (3:17).
Praise God for His faithfulness. In my last update, I requested prayer for the idea of starting a devotional breakfast with the 8th grade boys. Every Tuesday morning since the beginning of this month they and I have enjoyed a great time together. Almost all boys have participated and a few of them even show up early (a very non-Paraguayan custom). Likewise, you may remember reading about Gualberto and Florentina last fall. They own a chicken stand on a popular corner in the neighborhood and professed Jesus to be their Lord and Savior in October. I mentioned how their business would’ve been a good location to hold Bible studies or meetings. Last Tuesday our prayer group convened there. These are only two of your prayers for Paraguay that have come to pass. Please continue to pray for these activities as well as for the Puerta Abierta youth. Our hope is that God would touch their hearts to exhibit more love towards others inside and outside of the church.
My training and experience in teaching and ministry has primarily been with adolescents and teenagers. Early elementary is not my forte. The pre-school through second grade students at the Nuevo Horizonte School are some of the most precious and brightest little kids I’ve ever met; however, I consider myself only temporarily filling a vacancy as their English teacher. We are attempting to communicate with Christian colleges and mission agencies in regards to developing an internship for teaching English to the youngest Nuevo Horizonte students. Please join with us in prayer that the Lord would guide the right teacher or teachers to our students.
There are two big events coming up for me this winter. Next month I introduce my mother to Paraguay . Pray that her visit and our time together will be a blessed vacation for us both. In August, Paramount Baptist Church in Amarillo , Texas , sends a team to conduct an evangelism campaign in churches and schools. Please pray for God to protect the team and move powerfully through their visitation.
Last month the Nuevo Horizonte School and Latin America Mission approved my plan to stay in Paraguay through December 2010. Please pray for the Lord’s confirmation regarding my length of service here. If I were to stay longer, I would need consistent monthly financial support in 2010. Keep this critical aspect in your prayers as well. Additionally, a young pastor friend in Chile is planting a church and is in need of a notebook and projector for his ministry. Please contact me if you would be interested in helping him obtain these important tools.
Thank you all for your continued care and encouragement. May you and your loved ones enjoy a relaxing and pleasant summer!
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